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WHY DID I CHOOSE IT WORKS GLOBAL as my home based business? 


It all started one gorgeous summer day after my bouncing baby girl was born. This was my second child, so my body had taken a good beating in the last 6 years. I looked at myself feeling rather unhappy with my body. I was not happy with the way my stomach area slumped and stretched. I tracked down one single ultimate body applicator on Ebay for a bit of a mood "pick-me-up" (This is a huge no! Always make sure you order from a qualified distributor, you risk purchasing old or non-authentic products. No one wants dried up body wraps!!)


At this point, All I REALLY wanted was to see how well these "magic body applicators" were going to work for me, I needed more.  So I located a distributor local to me and that day has CHANGED MY LIFE!  


I completed a box of 4 wraps on my stomach area and am now working on my thighs. I am now back in a bikini after having two kids. I feel incredible after being on our greens and vitamins. After suffering from hyperemesis gravidarium with my daughter I often felt tired and stressed as a result of being malnourished. Confianza, It's vital core and the ultimate body applicators are by far my favorite products!


I sat on the opporitunity and weighed my options before fully committing to my new business. Without question I am so happy I had decided to jump on board! It has changed my perspective about these products. For me it's no longer about using the products as much as it is to help others gain confidence about the bodies they were given!


So, Why did I join it works?!


  • To help others feel amazing about the skin they are in! learn more about our best seller here.

  • To fully support my amazing rapidly growing team and make sure that everyone that works hard at this business WILL succeed!

  • In the beginning, My goal was to make about $500 a month just for extra cash to play around with. But since I have exceeded that goal, I'm now going for $10,000 a month.

  • I Love working outside in my backyard while my kids are playing! Ideally I would love to quit my current hospital job and be able to stay at home with my two wonderful children.

  • I absolutely Love the teamwork and the support from all other distributors. We have ONE team and ONE mission... to share these amazing products. I have made so many incredible friends from all over the world.

  • I joined it works over other distribution companies because we have the BEST products around and I can stand behind them 1000%

  • There are incredible first time ranking bonuses that come and go... I am currently going for the $10,000 bonus for hitting the Diamond rank.

  • The compensation plan is way more generous that most other distribution businesses, Giving us more bigger and better ways to make money.

  • It Works has been a DEBT FREE COMPANY since 2001!

  • I LOVE the Ultimate Body Applicator

  • Wrap parties are FUN!


I know that many of you have children, have a job you are tired of or just want a little extra cash in your pocket! Stop letting the chips fall where they may, Dream BIG and go ALL IN! We can do this together! Read about how you can get started with this awesome post: How to Become an It Works Distributor!


Contact me here for more information on that crazy body wrap opporitunity!

© Copyright 2015 by perfectly wrapped up. 

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